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October 22, 2002
Possible Halloween costumes:
- Daphne from Scooby Doo
- Librarian from Adam Ant's "Goody Two Shoes"
- 1920s Miss America contestant (I'm thinking Miss New Jersey)
- ?
Greg is of course voting for the school
girl outfit (again), but no thanks. As I just subtly
hinted at, I've
done that before, and it was very uncomfortable. (Note
in the linked entry that I've also attempted to be the slutty
librarian before — eventually, I will fulfill this destiny).
I need more backup plans, though. Here
are some things I've been in Halloweens past:
- 1950s bad girl
- 1950s good girl
- beatnik/Audrey Hepburn from some movie/early 1960s French
girl (I just wore black capri pants and a black top and
went barefoot — the party was at my apartment)
- Rhoda Morgenstern
Hmm. Maybe I could be Mary Tyler Moore, since I have that
coat that looks like MTM's. I'd need a wig, though. And perhaps
a polyester skirt suit.
Of course, I welcome any other ideas
that could be implemented by Friday with a trip to a few thrift
October 10, 2002
getting the boot
The past few nights, I've been climbing into bed early with a glass of wine and reading. It's great. I almost never relax so deliberately and thoroughly. And I adore autumn, as I may have mentioned before. So, while there's a little too much on my plate right now (and what's on my plate is nothing compared to a lot of people — I think I'm just bad at managing my spare time), I'm reasonably content.
I've lost some weight lately, which is a good thing, but now about half of my pants don't fit. I have a lot of pants, so a lot of them don't fit now. I liked some of those pants, you know? If I had money to buy new pants, everything would be as it should in the world, but no, I do not have money for the new pants. I was thinking about investigating thrift stores for pants, but then I remembered that, aside from a penchant for discovering Jordache jeans in my size, I have never found a decent, well-fitting pair of pants at a thrift store.
So, I'm going to have to stick to skirts, maybe, and that means investing in some warm knee-high boots. Greg highly disapproves of tall boots; he likens them to hooker attire. Me, I always feel like a go-go dancer or some other mod creature from the '60s when I wear tall boots, and I think that's fine. Or, if the boots are brown and have a slight western flair, I feel like I'm in a TV movie from 1975, and that's okay, too. Actually I've never worn brown boots, but I'm thinking they might be the ticket for me this season.
Two pairs of new boots would probably cost more than a few pairs of new pants, though. Hmm. What dilemmas this girl faces.
October 06, 2002
It's almost 4 on Sunday, and I have not
yet left the apartment except to stick things in the mailbox.
I have, however, written thank-you notes, paid a few bills,
responded to a wedding invitation, shopped online for Mom's
birthday present, tried to figure out how to order new checks,
cleaned the kitchen, and done my Illustrator homework.
For Illustrator homework, I had to draw
an object using only shape tools. I drew my couch. The drawing
(below) has a little perspective problem, but I am not going
to spend any more time on it. I suspect the instructor won't
care. It will look enough like a couch for him. Actually,
I think the version on my zip disk isn't quite this bad, but
I'm not going to bother digging that out for you. Not that
you aren't worth it, just that I know you aren't interested.
So, I'm 24 now. Wheee. Now, if I achieve
anything mindblowing (and that's so likely to happen),
I won't be able to feel like a wunderkind. While I don't think
I have to feel like an adult quite yet, I also think 24 is
when the transition starts to take place. By next year, I'll
be closer to 30 than to 20, and thus less impressive if I
do anything that would be really impressive if done by someone
in the throes of just-before-adulthood. Though, seriously,
I think I could do something really impressive up till I'm
about 34, and people would comment on how young I was to have
achieved something so great. I don't even know what that great
thing could be, though, so I'm neither going to worry about
nor look forward to such comments.
Greg and I spent Friday and Saturday
in Washington, D.C. The Hotel
Rouge was a lot of fun. Our room was swanky. The bed was
comfy. And there was a big red feather in the safe. We had
lame Web TV access, though. It would let us search Google
and Yahoo for free, but we would have had to pay to view search
results or to go elsewhere within the sites. It would have
been nice to have been able to use Yahoo's directions. The
hotel touts its free web access and then delivers something
useless, at least for those who have not brought laptops along.
The bar there was cozy and stylish. The
waiter gave us a free brownie, and he didn't even know it
was my birthday time. He said he felt bad because it took
so long to arrive. Maybe I was really drunk, or maybe I'm
just accustomed to shitty service, but it didn't seem to take
long at all. Also, we got to lounge around in animal-print
bathrobes. Not at the bar, though they probably wouldn't have
cared if we had. In the morning, they had free cold pizza
and bloody marys in the lobby. The bloody mary I mixed for
myself was beyond bad, but I enjoyed it because it was free.
Also, the International Spy Museum is
neat, but it is also very crowded. Worth seeing, though.