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August 26, 2001
[someone must have some...]
Someone must have some suspicions about
me, because this arrived in my inbox tonight, addressed specifically
to me (not that I think I'm the only one to receive it, of
course). Anyhow, this is the strangest spam ever to cross
my virtual path. I cannot tell whether it is a joke. But if
it isn't, I don't think he's the only one who would like to
travel back in time, rewind his life, de-age, yet retain current
knowledge. If anyone actually could do this, I think the news
would be out.
If you are an alien disguised as
human and or have the technology to travel physically
through time I need your help!
My life has been severely tampered
with and cursed by a very evil women [sic] of my past.
I need to be able to:
Travel physically back in time.
Rewind my life including my age.
Be able to remember what I know
now so that I can prevent my life from being tampered
with again after I go back.
I am in great danger and need this
immediately! Only if you are an alien or have this technology
please send me a separate email to: (a different address
from the sender's)
In more relevant (I guess) news, I am
working on the travel journal, enjoying myself way more as
I put it together than anyone will when they read it. But
that is how it should be. Hopefully I will finish the journal
this week, but it won't truly be complete until Chris gets
his photos developed.
Also (I am list-crazy lately, huh):
- Mom got a new Ford Explorer. It's
red, big and ugly. I wanted her to get a Nissan.
- I went rock climbing today in an indoor
rock gym. Being "extreme" like this is very atypical
for me. I was not good at it, but I will definitely go again.
I also will post pictures, once they've been developed.
August 21, 2001
[finally dropped off denmark photos...]
- Finally dropped off Denmark photos.
I chose the option that gives me a CD of them, so I will
be paying big $$ for the photos, but it hopefully will mean
that I don't have to scan anything. Hopefully. I am new
to the CD photo option. I just know that it costs $6 on
top of the normal cost. I wish my CD-rom drive worked. Currently
have Mayo Thompson CD stuck somewhere inside my computer.
CD-rom drive ate it. I can't find it, but I know it's there.
- Met new neighbor. First saw new neighbor
through his window as I was pulling into parking lot after
work. He was shirtless, thinking himself unseen, and spying
on me, his new neighbor, as I got out of my car. Then I
met him, because there are only 2 mailboxes outside our
building for 4 apartments, and I am getting everyone's mail
but that of the old ladies. New neighbor seems like an uptight
bohemian. He has affectations. I have met people like him
before, but I can't recall whom. He is living with a woman
who drives a large ugly sedan. Knowing Greg (and therefore
starting to think about cars) has given me yet another way
in which to judge people without knowing them.
- Speaking of cars, I am really into
the World
Rally right now. Every couple of weeks on Speedvision,
there are world rally races across some beautiful, cliff-heavy
places in Europe, Africa, and other countries that are not
America. World rally is a unique sport, in that much of
it is about the racer trying to find the balance between
pushing the car hard enough to be faster than everyone else
in the race and not pushing it so hard that it breaks. While
the drivers compete against each other, they are not racing
with each other as on a track. Many times, the cars break.
Tires fall off, suspensions give out, and engines catch
fire. Drivers cuss. Later, they try to hide their frustration
as they describe (often in sketchy English) what happened
to their poor, beaten cars.
Also, when a car goes off the course (e.g., is hanging partially
from a slope), drunk spectators are expected to help the
rally driver get the car back on track. In no other sport
does the audience have the potential to influence the outcome
so drastically. Plus, the whole broadcast is narrated by
an unseen British man fond of understatement yet very much
passionate about the whole thing. It all adds up to good
- Dreamt the other night that I was
hanging out with Britney Spears, trying on accessories like
bracelets and necklaces. Then she had to go. She was driving
a big 18-wheeler. I told her she was going to get into an
accident, but she didn't listen. She crashed into a brick
wall and died.
- Registered for an oil painting class,
but might end up taking film history class instead. Part
of me wants to take oil painting more. But Dad would be
taking the film course with me, and it is cool to be able
to do that with him.
August 15, 2001
[i thought of something...]
I thought of something that's been lacking from my
summer: a decent trip to the beach. I have been to the
decadent land of Atlantic City twice this year, but
my feet only have touched sand once, I think. It's not
like I'm really into the beach anyway, but something
will just not feel right if I do not spend some time
frolicking in the sand/ocean. I mean, I think that's
the problem. I don't know. As usual, something just
seems to be missing.
blanket beth, circa 1998(?)
Anyway, I am hoping to go to the beach with my friends
next weekend. Maybe it will be a salve.
So what's up with that pic, you ask? How can anyone
possibly be so glamorous, right? It is from the very
first Annual Day at the Beach with aforementioned friends.
I talk more about it here.
The linked page is probably one of the most viewed pages
on this site, because it mentions the the words "bikini"
and "supermodel" and even "nipple."
In case you don't read that entry, or even if you do,
let me warn you again: do not wear a cheap tanktop made
of stiff cotton into the ocean without some kind of
protective underthing on. The results may be unsavory.
Also, I've been meaning to say that I am disturbed
by the searches that bring visitors here. Underage porn
seems to be very popular. It makes me ill. I don't put
these search terms on the searches page because they're
dull. Nothing's clever or surprising or strange about
"13 year old porn." Just wrong. I guess I'm
glad I can be a temporary foil to some, though.
Lots of things are going on right now, and I am having
some trouble keeping up with all of them. I registered
a new domain for purely professional purposes, and I
am working on the design for that. It will be a good
thing to have, I think. There also are like three other
outside web projects to do for family and friends. And
then there's the Denmark journal project, which is important
to finish for personal reasons.
Ultimately, the computer will kill me; I know I am
being poisoned slowly by this mean yet irresistable
August 08, 2001
[well, i'm back from abroad...]
Well, I'm back from abroad, from Denmark, a new sticker on my metaphorical suitcase. And I'm tired. But I'm happy. On the flight back, I thought about everything I've done this summer--which generally, hasn't been much--and I felt fulfilled. I was sort of afraid that I would die in a plane crash or other vacation tragedy, because immediately prior to the trip I was able to spend time with almost everyone close to me (except for friends, unfortunately. I don't see enough of friends lately). I played hookie to spend a nice, smoldering day at a baseball game with Dad. I enjoyed an evening shopping with Mom. I went to a lovely wedding with coworkers. I thought, in typical "the sun revolves around me" fashion, that maybe these things were taking place because it would be the last time they could.
Anyway, after I recover from jet lag and minor leg injuries (incurred, I suppose, from copious amounts of walking?), I think I will feel especially vibrant.
Except that things at work are very, very bad right now. Not for me particularly, but for everyone. Morale has certainly been better. Just before I left for the trip, I was shaken out of the complacency of my current life status. All my worries were made petty, and newer, larger worries took their place.
But I will think about those things tomorrow. Today, some unpacking, some cleaning, some evening romance. If I can stay awake for it all.